Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my pleasure to share with you the third social report of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE), which is our first integrated publication combining a sustainable development report with financial data.

The publication has been released in an interactive version. In creating it, PSE – as the first company of the energy sector – has used the latest version of the Global Reporting Initiative Standards and followed the International Integrated Reporting Council's guidelines.

Eryk Kłossowski

President of the Management Board,
Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A.

About PSE

Within the territory of Poland, PSE is the only transmission system operator (TSO), designated by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) to serve this function. We provide electricity transmission and power system access services while maintaining the required criteria for the operational security of the Polish power system (PPS).

Management of the power system

In order to ensure the secure and reliable operation of the power system, we balance electricity demand with the capacity of the generating sources available in the PPS.

Created with Sketch. Generators Business and individual customers

The path of electricity from generator to consumer

Created with Sketch.

EHV transmission lines


HV distribution lines (110 kV)


MV distribution lines (15 kV, 20 kV)


LV distribution lines (400/230 V)

Business strategy

The Strategy of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne has been prepared for the years 2017-2019. It takes into account strategic resources, defines the roles arising from our mission and vision, and sets objectives.

PSE Value Creation Model


Click on the selected area to find out more

Financial capital PSE's intellectual capital Human capital Social and relational capital Natural capital Production capital

PSE in figures

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